Testing 2-blade propeller thrust with tiny whoop motors

After the first tiny whoop motors test I’ve decided to test the stock E010 4-bladed propellers, cut down to 2-bladed props. Results are as expected – the max thrust decreased while effectiveness increased. You can clearly see it in the charts. Pull thrust decreased 0.5g in average or 5% and effectiveness increased 0.22g/W in average or 10%.
So cutting down 2 blades out of 4 wil give you a bit less thrust, but better effectiveness thus longer flight times.

Thrust tests datasheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KB8qYq42QqoL2PJSrxuFI4pyjELfa4PyBZW7N3rSu5g/pubhtml?gid=1514924324&single=true

Thrust table:

Thrust test video:

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